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Let Me Introduce The Skeptical Yogi To You

 From A Skeptic's Journey Through The Yoga Experience I must first make a full disclosure.   My first experience with yoga was a...

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Motivating Full Figure Black Women and Older Black Men in and Through Yoga

Jessamyn Stanley is Doing With Her Best Selling Book and Promotion of Yoga
and Earl Ofari Hutchinson his Best selling Book and Promotion of Yoga have four major things in Common. We are African-American.
We are Yoga devotees. We have best selling books on Yoga. Most importantly we showcasing ourselves on our covers. Her aim in doing that is to take the fear and stigma off of Yoga for young Full-Figure Black Women and to take pride in Bodily Fitness and their Body.
My aim in doing that is to further motivate Older Black Men toward wellness and to take pride in Bodily Fitness and their Body.

Is This Trump Inadvertently Doing a Yoga Asana?-Hilarious
But Check It Out on the hutchinsonyogi

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Russell Simmons Is Under the Gun for Allegations of Sexual Assault
But Then There is The other Side to Simmons--The Yoga Side
Here Are Eye-Catching Photos of Simmons's Yoga Poses

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Weight Loss Fitness Wellness and Lots of Yoga Benefits Discussed
Book Signing/Discussion
Earl Ofari Hutchinson
A Skeptic's Journey Through the Yoga Experience
Saturday  December 2 11:30 AM
Crenshaw Yoga
5426 S. Crenshaw Bl.
L.A. 90043

View These Stunning Yoga Poses of Soon to be British Princess Meghan Markle
at Hutchinsonyogi

Monday, November 27, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bhavana Asana contemplation pose in reflection and Prayer to the Creator for Life and Health 
From My New Book A Skeptic's Journey Through the Yoga Experience 
A Book that takes you on a journey to discover the keys to health wellness fitness and yoga 
Available at Eso Won Books Simply Wholesome in L.A. and Zahras Books Inglewood
Book Signings/Discussions in December at Simply Wholesome and Crenshaw Yoga

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Adho Mukha Vrksasana Handstand in Praise to the Creator for Life and Health 
From My New Book A Skeptic's Journey Through the Yoga Experience 
A Book that takes you on a journey to discover the keys to health wellness fitness and yoga 
Available at Eso Won Books in L.A.'s Leimert Park

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Is Yoga Really a Woman's Thing?

At a yoga studio in the District recently, practitioners breathed, bent, twisted and stretched their way to a happier state. They left more relaxed, more energized, with better posture and a renewed outlook. But there was one curious thing: Of the 24 people in the room, only four were men.

Studio owners and teachers in the Washington area say that this disparity is not unusual, no matter the time of day. Typically, they say, the ratio of women to men rarely goes much below 80-20. In fact, a 2012 survey by Yoga Journal found that of the 20.4 million people who practice yoga in the United States, only 18 percent of them are men.
Why don’t men do yoga?
“My husband said he felt bored,” said Praneetha Akula, a 36-year-old Silver Spring resident who was visiting the studio on a day off. “He didn’t let himself enjoy it.”
Akula is like many women who do yoga and want their spouse or partner to give it a try. But the many myths about yoga stand in their way: Yoga isn’t a decent workout; it’s too touchy-feely; you have to be flexible to do it; men’s bodies just aren’t built for pretzellike poses.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Trikona Pose 

From my new book

A Skeptic’s Journey Through the Yoga Experience

Book Signing/Discussion Sunday, November 5, 1:00 PM PST

612 E. Manchester Bl., Inglewood 90301

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Nauv Asana Boat Pose From A Skeptic's Journey through the Yoga Experience

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Read About Serena's Yoga Workout Fitness Secret

Read About Serena's Yoga Workout Fitness Secret

Serena Williams says when I’m not playing tennis, I like to do yoga and Pilates. . . . I don’t like to run!” 

Serena Williams Talks Yoga

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Does Ivanka Trump Doing Yoga Spell a new boon for Yoga?

Watch Ivanka Trump Doing a Down Dog Asana

Does Ivanka Trump Doing Yoga Spell a new boon for Yoga?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

      Our Video on Yoga and Diversity just hit more than 10,000 views on YouTube in less than a week. Take a Look
      A Skeptic’s Journey Through the Yoga Experience takes a hard and personal look by one who once held deep skepticism about yoga at the history, the myths, the...

    Monday, October 16, 2017

    What Can Be Done to Promote Greater Diversity in Yoga? Good Article.


    Saturday, October 14, 2017

    A Great Shot of President Obama in a Classic Yoga Pose

    President Obama (and he's still the president for many) and Michelle have been big yoga boosters. Read what he has to say about its benefits here. Then check out him doing the yoga hover pose asana.

    President Obam Doing the Yoga Hover Pose Asana

    Friday, October 13, 2017

    Former First Lady Michelle Obama hasn't sloughed off on her Yoga embrace and workouts for fitness and wellness.
    Take a look at her and what she has to say about Yoga.

    Michelle Obama is Doing it With Yoga

    Wednesday, October 11, 2017

    The Skeptical Yogi: Yoga Diversity in Action FB Group

    The Skeptical Yogi: Yoga Diversity in Action FB Group

    Yoga Diversity in Action FB Group

    Russell Simmons On The Connection Between Yoga And Success

    For decades, Russell Simmons has been a busy man building an empire, from co-founding Def Jam Recordings to creating the Phat Farm fashion line. But in the midst of his rise to fame, there was one thing that got him to actually slow down and venture into a yoga studio.
    Simmons tells Oprah on “Super Soul Sunday” that he initially began taking yoga 20 years ago to flirt with the women in his class. “There were no guys in yoga. None!” he says. “It was like a whole room full of girls. Sixty girls.”
    But Simmons says that after his first yoga session, he was hooked on the practice.
    “The first class, I came out, I was so high,” Simmons remembers. “I was sitting there like, ‘Wow.’”
    He felt so relaxed, in fact, that Simmons became concerned that he might not retain the intensity he believed he needed to be successful. “I thought because there was so much relief, I thought, ‘Maybe I won’t be good at work. Maybe if I keep doing this I’m going to lose all my money,’” he says with a laugh................READ MORE

    Russell Simmons on Yoga and Success

    Saturday, October 7, 2017

    Hillary Clinton Practiced Pranayama To Recover From Election

    How to recover from a virtually never ending presidential campaign? Try alternate nostril breathing. Yes, maybe we’ve been inundated with politics to the max lately, but we have to wonder how politicians, you know, the ones who live it every day, how to do they cope? Besides daily Twitter rant storms, of course.
    You may not be surprised to learn that plenty of Chardonnay asana factored into Hillary Clinton’s recovery from the chaos that was Indecision 2016 and the writing of her new book, but the interesting tidbit is that she also dug into a tall glass of pranayama (nadi shodhana aka alternate nostril breathing, to be specific) as she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a recent interview.
    Those keeping score at home would know that HRC had already spoken about practicing yoga (hashtag butheremails), but this is particularly interesting because it’s more about picking herself up after a blow to the gut (and probably the worst news of her life), rather than just trying to keep up, as in during the campaign.
    In case you missed it, here’s Secretary Clinton being candid (and also somehow coy) about her grounding pranayama practice. How many other politicians can you think of who might benefit from, we don’t know, taking a deep breath here and there

    Friday, October 6, 2017

    A Skeptic's Guide Through The Yoga Experience You Tube Video

    What I Know for Sure

    Oprah Winfrey

    "When you nurture your body it reciprocates."

    "I won't waste a meal by eating food that doesn't fully satisfy me."

    "Getting my lifelong weight struggle under control has come from a process of treating myself as well as I treat others in every way."

    "The ultimate in being healthy is to operate at full throttle—physically, emotionally, and spiritually."

    "Making the decision to look after yourself is the ultimate in healthcare."

    "I don't believe in accidents. I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."

    "Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own."

    "A little restoration goes a long way."

    "I've learned not to worry about what might come next."

    Read more: http://www.oprah.com/omagazine/what-i-know-for-sure-oprah-winfrey/all#ixzz4uk4Fe84R

    Wednesday, October 4, 2017

    [ 0 ] June 9, 2011 | genConnect Staff

    LeBron James and other NBA stars don’t just hit the weights to stay fit – many maintain their agility and fitness with a surprising form of exercise: Yoga

    There is no doubting LeBron James’ talent. James will lead the Miami Heat to the NBA Finals against the Dallas Mavericks next Tuesday, May 31 with whopping averages of 26 points and 9 rebounds per game so far this post-season. But that’s the easy part.

    LeBron has been logging over 43 quality minutes per game during the playoffs, making him arguably one of the most well-conditioned professional basketball player in the NBA.

    So how does he do it? Yoga.

    “Downword dog” and “hero” poses have been part of James’ off-season yoga routine over the past few years. Yoga is known to be able to benefit your sex life, according to sex expert Dr. Marianna Brandon. Founder of Ms. Fitness magazine, Greta Blackburn, also hails yoga as a great complement to your weight-lifting regimen. But while others aren’t convinced of yoga’s benefits, James is a devout beliver in its effects.

    “Does it work for everybody? I don’t know,” LeBron recently said. “I’m not a guru about how to be in the best condition — don’t let me sit here and tell you that. But it works for me.........................................(READ MORE)

    Tuesday, October 3, 2017

    5 Yoga Myths Even Devoted Yogis Still Believ

    The Huff Post

    Yoga is here to stay. The $27 billion industry saw a 29 percent increase in popularity from 2008 to 2012. It attracts 8.7 percent of Americans to mats across the country. With so much interest in the practice, some misinformation has also been surfacing. Whether you regularly visit your local studio or only dabble in the occasional restorative session, we’re willing to bet that you’ve heard some of these rumors floating around. Here are some of the most common myths about yoga... busted.
    Myth 1. Yoga helps you sweat out toxins.
    The problem with the phrase “sweating out toxins” is that our bodies sweat to help keep us cool, not to eliminate waste (that’s the job of your kidneys, liver and digestive tract). When you sweat, you release water, salt and electrolytes, not toxins. As Monica Reinagel, MS, LDN, CNS, HuffPost blogger, told The Huffington Post in a previous article, “The best way to help your body get the toxins out is to put fewer in.”

    That doesn’t mean yoga’s not an excellent form of exercise. It comes with a long list of benefits, starting from the moment you start practicing, including lower blood pressure, improved lung capacity, a lower risk of heart disease and anxiety relief.
    Myth 2.You need to log 60-to-90-minute classes to reap the benefits.

    Sure, there’s nothing quite like that accomplished, relaxed feeling many get after leaving a long yoga session, but just because you don’t have an hour (or more) to spare doesn’t mean you should stay off the mat. Even short yoga practices have proven benefits. Research shows that just 20 minutes of yoga can increase brain function by improving focus, speeding up information processing and improving working memory........................(READ MORE)

    5 Yoga Myths