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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Hillary Clinton Practiced Pranayama To Recover From Election

How to recover from a virtually never ending presidential campaign? Try alternate nostril breathing. Yes, maybe we’ve been inundated with politics to the max lately, but we have to wonder how politicians, you know, the ones who live it every day, how to do they cope? Besides daily Twitter rant storms, of course.
You may not be surprised to learn that plenty of Chardonnay asana factored into Hillary Clinton’s recovery from the chaos that was Indecision 2016 and the writing of her new book, but the interesting tidbit is that she also dug into a tall glass of pranayama (nadi shodhana aka alternate nostril breathing, to be specific) as she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a recent interview.
Those keeping score at home would know that HRC had already spoken about practicing yoga (hashtag butheremails), but this is particularly interesting because it’s more about picking herself up after a blow to the gut (and probably the worst news of her life), rather than just trying to keep up, as in during the campaign.
In case you missed it, here’s Secretary Clinton being candid (and also somehow coy) about her grounding pranayama practice. How many other politicians can you think of who might benefit from, we don’t know, taking a deep breath here and there

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