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Let Me Introduce The Skeptical Yogi To You

 From A Skeptic's Journey Through The Yoga Experience I must first make a full disclosure.   My first experience with yoga was a...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

[ 0 ] June 9, 2011 | genConnect Staff

LeBron James and other NBA stars don’t just hit the weights to stay fit – many maintain their agility and fitness with a surprising form of exercise: Yoga

There is no doubting LeBron James’ talent. James will lead the Miami Heat to the NBA Finals against the Dallas Mavericks next Tuesday, May 31 with whopping averages of 26 points and 9 rebounds per game so far this post-season. But that’s the easy part.

LeBron has been logging over 43 quality minutes per game during the playoffs, making him arguably one of the most well-conditioned professional basketball player in the NBA.

So how does he do it? Yoga.

“Downword dog” and “hero” poses have been part of James’ off-season yoga routine over the past few years. Yoga is known to be able to benefit your sex life, according to sex expert Dr. Marianna Brandon. Founder of Ms. Fitness magazine, Greta Blackburn, also hails yoga as a great complement to your weight-lifting regimen. But while others aren’t convinced of yoga’s benefits, James is a devout beliver in its effects.

“Does it work for everybody? I don’t know,” LeBron recently said. “I’m not a guru about how to be in the best condition — don’t let me sit here and tell you that. But it works for me.........................................(READ MORE)

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