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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

5 Yoga Myths Even Devoted Yogis Still Believ

The Huff Post

Yoga is here to stay. The $27 billion industry saw a 29 percent increase in popularity from 2008 to 2012. It attracts 8.7 percent of Americans to mats across the country. With so much interest in the practice, some misinformation has also been surfacing. Whether you regularly visit your local studio or only dabble in the occasional restorative session, we’re willing to bet that you’ve heard some of these rumors floating around. Here are some of the most common myths about yoga... busted.
Myth 1. Yoga helps you sweat out toxins.
The problem with the phrase “sweating out toxins” is that our bodies sweat to help keep us cool, not to eliminate waste (that’s the job of your kidneys, liver and digestive tract). When you sweat, you release water, salt and electrolytes, not toxins. As Monica Reinagel, MS, LDN, CNS, HuffPost blogger, told The Huffington Post in a previous article, “The best way to help your body get the toxins out is to put fewer in.”

That doesn’t mean yoga’s not an excellent form of exercise. It comes with a long list of benefits, starting from the moment you start practicing, including lower blood pressure, improved lung capacity, a lower risk of heart disease and anxiety relief.
Myth 2.You need to log 60-to-90-minute classes to reap the benefits.

Sure, there’s nothing quite like that accomplished, relaxed feeling many get after leaving a long yoga session, but just because you don’t have an hour (or more) to spare doesn’t mean you should stay off the mat. Even short yoga practices have proven benefits. Research shows that just 20 minutes of yoga can increase brain function by improving focus, speeding up information processing and improving working memory........................(READ MORE)

5 Yoga Myths

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