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Why More Men Should Practice Yoga

Rachael Yahne, Contributor
Award-winning blogger and lifestyle writer

06/25/2015 12:56 pm ET Updated Jun 25, 2016 

As more celebrities step into the spotlight as yogis, I’m happily seeing more and more men give it a shot. Thanks to yoga, they are now enjoying better flexibility, improved performance in other sports, and less injury. So I’d like to finally address some of the issues that keep many men away from this ancient practice, and why it’s exactly what they need.
Benefits of Yoga for Men
Men’s Fitness Magazine and U.S. News report that yoga can improve:
Digestion and Food Cravings
Everything from boosting your metabolism to giving you a better grip on your diet.
Creativity and Overall Brain Functioning
Focus, productivity, and creative insight are all improved thanks to time on the mat.
Quality and Quantity of Sexual Intimacy
Not only are endurance and stamina increased, but focus and connection can deepen thanks to the breathing practices of yoga. Yoga also teaches you to control your physical energy, meaning you can make sex more intense and make the “big moments” last longer. That should be reason enough to accompany your girlfriend to class!
Quality of Sleep and Relaxation
Yoga reduces the stress hormone cortisol, which means less stress and better sleep. What’s not to love?
“Yoga for me has been a godsend for strength training and injury prevention. I have noticed a tremendous improvement in the performance of other activities I do (running, biking, and tennis) thanks to my regular practice of yoga.”
— Ryan, age 37, Spokane WA
Yoga’s “Natural High”
Yes, miles logged on the treadmill do give that endorphin rush of satisfaction. But yoga has its own built-in natural high too, which is why you feel so good after a class. Many people call this the “post-yoga glow.” Yoga workouts release the essential hormone Oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which is the hormone that promotes feelings of well-being and happiness. More benefits of Oxytocin include relieved anxiety, increased sexual intimacy, increased desire for social interaction, and lower blood pressure.
Additionally, the mind-body connection accessed in a yoga class (through connecting movements to the breath, paying attention to the sensations of the muscles, etc.) is thought to be a naturally effective treatment of stress and depression (via UndergroundHealthReporter.com).
For more on the studies proving yoga’s impact on the brain, see these numbers from Psychology Today.
Who practices yoga?
I always tried to draw men into class by promising a long, svelte, swimmer-esque ........................................(Read More)
Men and Yoga

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